The ‘before’ element in God’s election

Berkouwer does not wish to dispense with the ‘before’ element in God’s election. Rather, he seeks to understand it in a way that does not diminish the significance of the historical revelation of God’s love in Jesus Christ. Baker contends that, in his interpretation of Ephesians 1:4 - “chosen before the foundation of the world” …

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Berkouwer’s use of the idea of the depth-aspect of salvation

Here's an attempt to bring things together. (1) Man knows of grace through revelation. (2) divine revelation comes to man in the form of human language. (3) The inadequacy of human language as a vehicle of divine revelation demands that due care be taken in the interpretation of Scripture. (4) The inadequacy of human language …

Continue reading Berkouwer’s use of the idea of the depth-aspect of salvation