Leviticus 22:17-23:44


22:17-23:44 –  God says, ‘I am the Lord’ (22:30-33):  Let Him be ‘your God’ (23:14,22,28,40,43,).  We are to ‘worship in Spirit and in truth’ – ‘in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day’ (John 4:24; Revelation 1:10)  When Christ died – This was the day of atonement.  We worship Him, ‘our Passover Lamb’ (22:28; Exodus 12:13; 1 Corinthians 5:7-8).  After ‘fifty days’ came the Day of Pentecost – What a day that was (Acts 2:4,16-21,41)!  Bring ‘the first fruits of your harvest’ (9):  ‘What can I give Him? – my heart‘ (Church Hymnary, 178).  Blow the trumpet (23:23; Joel 2:1,15) – It must be a ‘clear call’: ‘Get ready for battle’ (1 Corinthians 14:8).  On the ‘day of worship’ (3), God is preparing us for the rest of the week: ‘Be strong in the Lord‘ (Ephesians 6:12).  Pray for the ‘fire’ of God (8,18,25,27,36-37; Acts 2:3-4).

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