The ‘pre’ element in predestination

In his discussion of the ‘pre’ element in predestination, Berkouwer insists that “he who speaks of God’s counsel in terms of human categories will have to be aware of the inadequacy of his words” (Divine Election, p. 152). In this respect, Berkouwer closely follows Bavinck who, in his discussion of predestination, insists that “one cannot speak of before or after with respect to God” (Divine Election, p. 152). Recognizing the inadequacy of human language, Berkouwer seeks to understand the language of predestination in connection in terms of the “depth-aspect” of salvation (Divine Election, pp.113, 150, 168). He emphasizes that “the depth-aspect of salvation… is not a matter of hiddenness which goes beyond the knowledge of faith… not something far distant, not a vague threatening reality, but the foundation of salvation… ” (Divine Election, pp. 113-114).

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One thought on “The ‘pre’ element in predestination

  1. Thanks, Eileen, Kristi, Light Writers, Beholding Him Ministries, Mrs Holliman, Preacher’s Daughter and Ryan, for liking this post. God bless each of you.

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