Berkouwer’s Doctrine of Scripture

Berkouwer insists that when “the concept of error in the sense of incorrectness is … used on the same level as the concept of erring in the sense of sin and deception … we are quite far removed from the serious manner with which erring is dealt in Scripture … (as) a swerving from the …

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Make sure you don’t miss the most important thing – Jesus Christ is in you.

Luke 20:1-47 Think before you speak. Jesus' critics had plenty to say for themselves. Jesus challenged them. They needed to say less and think more - about Jesus (8,17-18,41-44). Jesus' words reduced them to silence (26,40). They didn't know what to say next. Perhaps, some were beginning to ask the right questions and find the …

Continue reading Make sure you don’t miss the most important thing – Jesus Christ is in you.

Sin Needs To Be Removed If We Are To Press On To A Greater Enjoyment Of God’s Blessing.

Numbers 30:1-31:20 Vows (30:1-16): Be careful what you say - You may live to regret it (Ecclesiastes 5:2, 4-6; Matthew 12:36-37; James 3:6-11). Learn from Balaam. Full of good intentions about speaking God’s Word (22:18; 23:12), he hoped to ‘die the death of the righteous’(23:10). He did not live up to his good intentions. He …

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Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are brought to Christ and led on with Christ.

Numbers 28:1-31 The sacrifices, offered to God, were to be 'a pleasing odour' to Him (2,6,8,13,24,27). These sacrifices are no longer required. A greater Sacrifice has been offered and accepted. Jesus Christ, God's Son, has offered Himself as a Sacrifice for sin (Hebrews 9:23-26). This Sacrifice is 'a pleasing odour' to God. It is 'good …

Continue reading Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are brought to Christ and led on with Christ.

We are called to a life of single-minded devotion to Jesus Christ.

Numbers 27:1-23 The daughters of Zelophehad were concerned about the continuation of their father's name (1-11). Our first concern must be the glory of God, our Heavenly Father. We are to honour our parents, loving them deeply. We must not allow such love to compete with our love for Christ. He must come first. We …

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Why settle for anything less than the best, anything less than our Lord Jesus Christ?

Proverbs 5:15-23 There is teaching here concerning faithfulness in marriage: 'may you rejoice in the wife of your youth...may you ever be captivated by her love (18-19). We may apply this teaching to our relationship with the Saviour. You loved Him so much in 'your youth'. You were 'rejoicing in Him'. You were 'captivated by …

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Temptation, forgiveness, faith and service

Luke 17:1-37 In verses 1-10, Jesus speaks about temptation, forgiveness, faith and service. (a) Temptation -  ‘watch yourselves’, always remembering that we can only win victory through the strength of the Lord (3; 1 Corinthians 10:13). (b) Forgiveness - This is practical teaching. We not only receive forgiveness for ourselves. We are to forgive others …

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We’re living in changing times. God is equipping His people for new challenges.

Numbers 26:23-65 There is real sadness in the final words of this chapter: 'There was not left a man of them, except Caleb and Joshua' (65). There is also a sense of expectation. So many had died in the wilderness. This was now a new generation. We're living in changing times. God is equipping His …

Continue reading We’re living in changing times. God is equipping His people for new challenges.

Faithfulness and relevance: speaking to believers – and unbelievers

"Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people" (Jude 3). Jude writes about "the salvation we share" and "the faith that was once for …

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Catching a glimpse of Jesus Christ, and being changed by Him

Numbers 24:1-25 When 'the Spirit of God came upon him', Balaam's 'oracle' was described as 'the message of the man who sees clearly'. His 'eyes are opened'. He sees 'with far-seeing eyes'. He 'hears the words of God'. He 'sees the vision of the Almighty' (2-4,15-16). Balaam looks beyond his own time. 'With far-seeing eyes', …

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Read about the prodigal son, and think of the perfect Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Luke 15:1-32 People were coming to Christ (1). Still, the critics were murmuring among themselves (2). What did Jesus do ? - He kept on preaching the Gospel (3-32). The lost sheep (3-7) the lost coin (8-10), the lost son (11-32) - These are the parables of the Gospel. They teach us two lessons - …

Continue reading Read about the prodigal son, and think of the perfect Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let God’s love flow freely in your own heart. Let it flow, from there, into the lives of others.

Luke 14:1-35 Let God's love flow freely in your own heart. Let it flow, from there, into the lives of others. Receive Christ and share Him with others. When the Gospel says, 'Come; for all is ready', there must be no excuses (17-20). When you share Christ, let there be no barriers (1-6, 12-14, 21-24). …

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Let Christ enter your heart, destroying Satan’s strongholds and taking possession of your life.

Numbers 21:1-35 In verses 5-9, there is an illustration of God's salvation (John 3:14-15). There is sin and death (Romans 5-6; 3:23, 6:23). Christ prays for our forgiveness (7; Luke 23:34). Lifted up on the Cross, He dies that we might have eternal life. In love, He appeals to us, 'Look to me and be …

Continue reading Let Christ enter your heart, destroying Satan’s strongholds and taking possession of your life.

Make Sure That Your Trust Is In Christ. He Will Never Fail You.

Luke 13:1-35 Jesus stresses the need for both repentance (1-5) and the fruits of repentance (6-9). God’s Word, planted in our hearts at conversion, is to bear fruit. This requires continual repentance and faith (Colossians 2:6; Galatians 3:1-5). Don’t put it off till tomorrow! Today is ‘the day of salvation’. Don’t ‘neglect’ God’s ‘great salvation’(15-16; …

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The Lord Never Changes – He Remains Unchanged, Unchanging And Unchangeable In His Love.

Numbers 20:1-29 No man or woman is indispensable. God’s work goes on, with or without us! (a) Miriam(Moses’ sister) served and worshipped the Lord (Exodus 2:7-8; 15:20-21). Now, her time had come. She was not to enter the land. She ‘died’(1). (b) Moses had been the leader of God’s people. He sinned, and he was …

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The Completeness Of Christ’s Work For Us – ‘For All Time A Single Sacrifice For Sins’

Numbers 19:1-22 The sacrifice was to be ‘without defect’. There was to be ‘no blemish’(2). Here, we have a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ - ‘without sin’, He offered Himself ‘for the sins of the people’(Hebrews 4:15; 2:17). The gathering of ‘the ashes’(9-10) speaks of the completeness of Christ’s work for us - ‘for …

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‘Let Everyone Who Names The Name Of The Lord Depart From Iniquity.’

Numbers 16:1-50 ‘You have gone too far!’: They regarded themselves as ‘holy’, yet they refused to go ‘too far’ with God (3)! What kind of ‘holiness’ is this? There is a ‘holiness’ which is more concerned with respectability than obedience to God. Faced with ‘the upward call of God in Christ Jesus’, we dare not …

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When He comes, our glorious King… Hallelujah! What A Saviour!

Numbers 15:1-41 We read of offerings for ‘atonement’(25,28). We think of Christ: He went ‘outside the camp’ for us (35-36; Hebrews 13:12) - to bring us forgiveness (25,28). We are to ‘be holy to our God’, the God of our redemption (40-41). Obedience to God is of the utmost importance: We need to be reminded …

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It is your Father’s pleasure to give you the Kingdom.

Luke 12:1-34 ‘Do not fear...’(4): ‘If God is for us, who can be against us?’(Romans 8:31). Acknowledge Christ or deny Him (8-9): Let your choice be clear - ‘Christ means everything to me’(Philippians 1:21). Do you want to confess Christ? - Here’s a great promise for you: ‘the Holy Spirit will teach you in that …

Continue reading It is your Father’s pleasure to give you the Kingdom.

‘Believe In Your Heart That God Raised Jesus From The Dead And Confess With Your Lips That Jesus Is Lord.’

Luke 11:29-54 Christ is ‘greater than Jonah’(32). Jonah was preserved alive (Jonah 1:17-2:10). Christ ‘died... was buried’ and ‘was raised’(1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Through His resurrection, He has been ‘declared with power to be the Son of God’(Romans 1:4). We are not to be secret disciples (33): ‘Believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from …

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Pray that you will be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Luke 10:38-11:28 Mary was ‘listening to the Lord’(39). Martha was ‘distracted’(40). ‘One thing is needful’(42): Don’t let anything distract you from this - Getting alone with God. More than anything else, Jesus wants to ‘teach us to pray’(1). The greatest gift that God gives - in answer to prayer - is the Holy Spirit (13). …

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