Our words are to be an echo of God’s Word.

Numbers 23:1-30
Our words are to be an echo of God’s Word. We are to speak only what God says (8,12). Before we can speak for God, He must speak to us. ‘God’s Word is truth’ (John 17:17). God does not lie. He does not change His mind. What He says, He does. He fulfils His purpose (19). How does God carry forward His purpose of blessing? We receive His blessing. We share His blessing with others. We can only bring blessing to others when we ourselves seek blessing from the Lord. His blessing comes to us. His blessing reaches out through us. We speak His Word, yet – through our words – He speaks (20). This is the work of the Holy Spirit. ‘God’s Word is the sword of the Spirit’ (Ephesians 6:17). The Spirit uses the Word to convict us of our sin and lead us to our Saviour (Hebrews 4:12-16).

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3 thoughts on “Our words are to be an echo of God’s Word.

  1. This word is right on, Charlie! We must speak the truth only as it is from God’s Word and confirmed to us by the Holy Spirit. We often hear of contradictions and confusing teachings; they are not from the Holy Spirit, but from deceiving spirits that have brought apostasy in the body of Christ today. Doctrines of devils in these last days have deceived many today who do not seek Truth from the Word of God for themselves. They sadly fall for false teachings from the false shepherds that Satan uses to turn many away from the Lord and His Word. ~Liz

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