God loves us throughout our life on earth, and he will love us for all of eternity.

“Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures” (Psalm 90:10).

The decades begin, and the decades end. Ten years, twenty years, thirty years… some of us reach seventy or eighty years… a few of us will reach ninety years… very few of us will reach the age of one hundred. A century of years: it seems to us to be such a long, long time. What is a hundred years to God? When we say that God is the eternal God, what are we saying? We’re saying that he is very different from us. We have a date of birth, and we will have a date of death. God has no date of birth, and he will have no date of death. We have a beginning, and we have an end. God has no beginning, and he has no end. Can we really understand what we’re saying? No! We can’t. All we can do is bown down before God and worship him. He is the eternal God. We will never understand what this means, but we can rejoice in this: he is the God of eternal love. His love endures forever. It is love that will not let us go. When we lose sight of the great God and his great love, does he stop loving us? No! He loves us throughout our life on earth, and he will love us for all of eternity. Praise God. Thank him for his love.

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